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Test # 1 Drug Effectiveness Test, (the Pharmacogenetics (PGx)Test) can: 

  • Identify the Right Drugs in the Right Dosages for you

  • Improve the Effectiveness of current medicines

  • Avoid Drugs that will not be effective

  • Reduce Potential Negative side-effects

  • Avoid Drug combinations that can bring serious Adverse Reactions.

The First Step - Patients indicate the medications they are currently taking on

Patient Medication Form and submit that with the Test Requisition Form.


A cheek swab is taken. The patient and health care provider sign the requisition and it is sent to our laboratory where the Patients DNA is scanned against over 60 genes and 300 most commonly prescribed medications.

Both tests are simple non-invasive tests authorized by a medical practitioner starting with a cheek swab.

The cost are covered by Medicare, TriCare and most commercial insurance providers.

Secure and Confidential - the reports are sent only to the doctor you designate and all information and your DNA samples are protected by the client Confidentiality requirements of HIPPA and Federal law.

See Target Genes and Major Therapeutic areas
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